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Our friend Jason keep us informed about his master-class about our hobby:
Building a WWII aircraft model takes time, but the finished product is worth it! Learn how to assemble, detail, paint, and finish a World War II Mosquito Merlin aircraft model. This course from Video Workbench demonstrates a variety of specialized techniques to create a realistic, historically accurate WWII model, including engine detailing, finishing aluminum panels on the A6M5 Zero, and adding photo-etched and resin detail on a Bf-109G cockpit. BONUS: Learn how to build a DIY vac-form machine! Just click on the picture link below to watch a FREE preview. If you like what you see, please consider becoming one of my students. Thank you for the support and MODEL ON!!
(PLEASE NOTE: If interested, you'll be asked to sign up by email or through Facebook. Also, there will be a very affordable fee if you decide to join after your 7 day trial is over.)
How to Build a WWII Model Aircraft
Building a WWII aircraft model takes time, but the finished product is worth it! Learn how to assemble, detail, paint, and finish a World War II Mosquito Merlin aircraft model. This course from Video Workbench demonstrates a variety of specialized techniques to create a realistic, historically accur…