Advanced Tips: Acrylic Home Brew Thinners VIDEO Tutorial

This seems to be a very promising recipe to brew your own Thinners for Acrylic paints and save lot of money !

Thanks to Genessis Models channel on YouTube for the great video!





Sun, 06/01/2014 - 03:16

This type of IPA isn't available in the States. I do find 99% available. Will this work as well as the 99.9%? Love the tutorial! I want to try this.



Sun, 06/01/2014 - 10:59

yes, you can use the 99,9%, BUT you have to increase in proportion the amount of water that you use to thin it.

IPA at 66.6% means that inside the bottle you have 66% of alchool and 34% of water.



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