Special Winter Camo from Panzer Aces 51
A wonderful monographic new number from Panzer Aces, fully dedicated to the Winter Washes. Read the full review with plenty of images.
Airplanes in Scale II - The Greatest Guide-Jets
For all the jet's fans, the most complete guide about building, painting and weathering, with detailed step by step explanation
Extreme Weathering-Building and Painting
If you like the weathering, you will find very useful this new book dedicated to an in depth presentation of all the weathering techniques.
Airplanes in Scale - The Greatest Guide (EN)
A great volume dedicated to the WWII fighters, with some of the most amazing builds I have ever seen. A very usefull resource for any modeler.
Landscapes of War - The Greatest Guide Dioramas
A full review of this very interesting volume about Dioramas: to the usal images, i added also a short video to show you the contents with no copyright infringement.
Euromodelismo 250 Special Number
Euromodelismo celebrate its 250 numbers, with a special edition with added value at the usual price. We reviewed it for you.
Model Laboratory, Great Battles Kursk: IL-2M and JU87G-1
A step by step building monograph dedicated to the 2 planes that were employed at Kursk.