RAF WWII Colors Table equivalent FS RGB CMYK


Here a very useful and complete color chart of the RAF WWII colors. I checked it roughly with the Gunze references (Mr. Color laquer RAF set), and the match video/real seems good. The RGB equivalent, used by any computer, allows you to "explain" a color to other people...
This table was compiled and matched by: W.S. Marshall SA Colours & Marking.

To download it, click here.


There are tons and tons of video-tutorials about scale models, dispersed on the Net. But only a few are truly worth to watch. We select the best and only the best video-tutorials: building, detailing, painting, weathering, dioramas and more.

We just finished to tag all the videos in our archives, and the first results is here: a selection of tutorials about the weathering in scale models: all what you need to know to give to your models the perfect dirty or dusty or rusty look!