Plastic Models World grew up and is now ranked by Alexa !

We are only 4 months old, but in this short time we grew up so much that we are already ranked by Alexa!

Alexa is the world ranking engine for websites: it doesn't publish for free the data aboyt the traffic, but when a site is big enough, these data are displayed by Wolfram Alpha, the computational engine that for web traffic uses the Alexa data.

Here you can see a screenshot about yesterday traffic on our website: 4400 visits !

Thanks to you all for following us!


There are tons and tons of video-tutorials about scale models, dispersed on the Net. But only a few are truly worth to watch. We select the best and only the best video-tutorials: building, detailing, painting, weathering, dioramas and more.

We just finished to tag all the videos in our archives, and the first results is here: a selection of tutorials about the weathering in scale models: all what you need to know to give to your models the perfect dirty or dusty or rusty look!